Not your average newborn shoot!

Not your average newborn shoot! 

Baby Maxwell

Baby Maxwell

Sawyer and Christen recently introduced little Maxwell into this amazing world and they wanted some baby photos done! 

Rather than going the alternative route of being in a studio, they hired me to photograph them in the comfort of their home for an authentic feel. Shouldn't family photography capture true emotion? I think so. Here is a sample of some of the photos we shot! 

If you're wanting to book me for a similar shoot, contact me HERE and let's get so work! 


Los Angeles, Tucson, Belden Town, and SLC.

In the past two weeks I have been to Los Angeles, Tucson AZ, Belden CA, and here in SLC working and collaborating with friends.

selfie in L.A.

I feel incredibly fortunate to be working and collaborating with amazing companies like Even StevensTobacco Motorwear CompanyX&GDAMN SON, and Klicker.

Each one makes me stretch and push myself to make shit happen. There isn't a day that goes by where I'm not stoked on life or the project I'm working on. Here's a quick shakedown of the past couple weeks.

1: Tucson AZ with Even Stevens: They just opened their 13th location. what's the big deal about that? easy, 13 unique locations, 3 years, and over ONE MILLION sandwiches donated. Their team has expanded to over 400 employees. All of "witch" have insane devotion and love to the brand. Which makes the experience all the more unique. I will for sure elaborate on this trip a lot more in a future post because I was fortunate to follow the owner Michael to the opening of this location. But, for reals, if you're a business owner, take note as to how ES! is ran and functions. There's a reason they are number one.

2: LA: I went there for three things. Sourcing apparel for DamnSon! photoshoot with Tobacco, and to meet with K-Swiss. I did a photoshoot in the morning, drove to LA (10 hours) and went to work. The main thing I want to point out is, BE READY for a business pitch at all times and stay focused. I got distracted by the awe of Los Angeles that I feel my trip could have been executed much better. None the less I made shit happen and I'm stoked with what I learned on that 3 day trip. It was just me and my ambition.

3: X&G / DAMN SON! - Just wrapped up my first festival with the boys in Belen town CA. Emissions Festival 2017. This small festival was insane and packed with stories to say the least. Because of my ambition to start a record label years ago, I'm now traveling with the future of Bass Music. X&G played the main stage at 2am. Seeing fans grove to their music and making new friends is what the music culture is all about. The next generation of hungry producers. With DS! it's great to see the business side of things like fashion, lingo, and beats. I'm hungry, more than I've ever been.

I'll keep grinding. I'll keep missing these post because I can't keep up. But when I do keep up, I'll share what I can. If you read, thanks for reading.

Much love.


Omar Prestwich

New York with X&G

If you have never gone to New York, GO! it's such a rad place. It has so much life, movement, and culture that you can't help but feel motivated and inspired. 

X&G , Josh Pan, 88 Rising , DAMN SON!

Two things about NYC I was hella stoked for 1: Shooting photos of my friends X&G and 2: VAYNER MEDIA, the gods of social media. We stayed in Manhattan so we could be close to everything. The touristy places were chill for like 1 min, but the real gold was everywhere else. The buildings, endless traffic, and I all the fresh style that the people have. I felt like I needed to step up my shoe game after being there. If you're into streetwear fashion, music, and art, this is a MUST Check out. 

It was pretty insane just casually hanging with rock stars like Josh Pan, 88 Rising, and Sayer. All the dudes were hella nice and focused on music and creating the next big thing. I guess it makes sense why they are killing it right? I know I am leaving NYC motivated to push Damn Son! and myself to limits I didn't think were possible.  

Here are some pics of the show and the city! Checkout X&G, Josh Pan, and Sayer

Addicted To Distractions

If you're anything like I am, I get lost in the endless scroll of instagram, facebook, and now snapchat stories. It's like a weird hypnotic circle that goes from one social media platform to the next, then back to the start. 


Last week I was listening to Darren Hardy's (p.s. there is a lot of gold in this) keynote speech on focused work, he said that we are "addicted to distractions" and that the super achievers of our modern day have "radical focus". I've become addicted to personal development so I'm totally putting myself on the spot here because this is something I'm personally working on.

I know I get HELLA distracted, and fast. Seeing my phone light up with a text, tweet, email, or whatever notification and I'll immediately check and see what it is. Even if it's just a glance. But more often than not, that glance turns into a minute or two or 10. Or, I'll have a friend show me something funny I'll get distracted, show them something funny, and there goes the spiral of memes. Do that multiple times a day, and YUP, there goes the day, there goes the unfinished task, there goes your train of thought etc.  I'm not saying that social media is bad, HELL NO, I freakin' love this stuff. I know that for me, these little distractions take the one thing we can NEVER GET BACK, time. 

We want to see everything people are doing, wheather you admit it or not. 

We want to see everything people are doing, wheather you admit it or not. 

My personal challenge for this week is to track my time/key objectives better. I'm going to do this via Vlog and planed out daily tasks. Feel free to join me, I'd love to see how you work on having radical focus. I'm doing this because I have goals I need to achieve, and I know there is NO WAY I'll be able to achieve those goals if I can't master the art of radical focus.  

Have a rad week, stay focused, and kick some ass. 


Family Mexico Cruise

When I tell people that my family is "Big", they don't believe me. Until I name off my 7 brothers and 1 sister.  Now double that number, because most of my brothers are married, and you've got my family of 20 crazies. 

Prestwich Fam 2016

We recently took a family cruise over Christmas break to Mexico. It was a very chill 5 day getaway. It was my first time Visiting Catalina and like my 3rd time visiting Ensenada. I'll be honest, I was SUPER worried that my family was going to clash a lot and that there would be hella drama. But, to my surprise, everyone got along, and made for some incredible memories. 

I learned a lot about my family by observing them behind a lens. All my brothers (and sister), have become outstanding men, leaders, entreprenuers, and exceptional spouses. Yet, I still see them as my little punk ass brothers. We still tease eachother, boss eachother around, wrestle, and act like we are the 8 brothers from Spanish Fork Utah. What really made my trip special was observing my Father and Mother as a 30 year old man. I loved watching them smile as they interacted with their grown kids and grandchildren. Sometimes they would just watch and smile. It was super special to me. 

If you've read this far, I challenge you to reach out to family once a week and spend focused time with them. I've been doing this for the past few months now, and it's honestly brought me closer to them and made me appreciate them more.

Cheers.  Enjoy the gallery below.